Deterministic Chaos
the hiatus was too much ... so I'll break it and keep it brief as well ... this thought was instigated when I was in bangalore recently with some science buffs ...
when people speak science and use jargons many express a fit of revulsion ... woooow out of phase ... well the fact of the matter is that these people make simple observations in life, the perusal of which gives ways to branches of science ...
okie let me keep this simple ... ur having ur coffee ... resting ur arm at the table and all of a sudden a jolt causes it to spill a bit oops ... ur caretaker (mother / spouse) is not around n it just dries-up ... n u move on ... when ur caretaker is back they find it dried up and just decide to whipe it clean ... NO WAIT ... did u observe a pattern in which it dried up ... the center portion is empty while only the edges have concentrated ... hmm thats wierd ... this is where a scientists thinks different ... why? (not why do they think :p ... but why to what they observed)
it is an effect of the angle at which the fluid hits the surface ... still not yet completely characterized and is under study ...
another thing that caught my attention was the words "Deterministic Chaos" ... hold on a sec ... what kind of self-contradicting stuff is this ... so I grabbed the buk n ran through a few pages ... n it spurred some interpretations in my mind ... what is chaos? ... reminds me of how the X-Ray got its name ... well they didn't have a clue as to what it was and hence the name ... just as variables in seq x,y etc in mathematics :) ... as I read more, this clause caught my attention -
"Chaos is the rule in nature, not an exception"
these chaos theories and stuff go on to say why newtonian world (where laws are governed by the laws of motion and such promulgated by newton) is far from perfect ... relativity and quantum physics sought to explain its follies ... Chaos theory seems to be the next big thing ... no more specifics ...
what is chaos? ... that in which we do not see a pattern .. well science defines it as - when u cannot predict the system accurately over prolonged periods ... fair enough ... now dyu see why is weather forecast so very difficult ...
chaos originates in a lot of ways ... every system start @ T0 with some initial conditions ... with infinetesimally small variations, the result can often seem chaotic ... quite simply given to some missing attributes in the system that we fail to comprehend ... it is said that even dust can affect the weather and climatic changes in the globe ... startled? ... I guess it too conspicuous now ...
computers have a certain limit of precision ... and this gives way to deviations from the actual path of a system during simulations ... and these minor imprecisions can cause major changes in the simulations ... which is why weather simulations seem quite whimsical in subsequent runs ...
amazing isn't it? there is so much more in this world that we do not comprehend ... belive me science is not about obscurity as many think ... and not as arcane as people believe ... we just try to explain the most simplistic of things in nature ... hope a few souls are convinced about the mathematics and science that surrounds us ... wish more folks would embrace this just as much as philosophy and stuff ... u don't need to be a geek to understand science ...
a short primer on Deterministic Chaos for those interested ... google for more ;)
neat post man... there is a friend o'mine.. he is a chemist (as is researcher in chemistry) and a soon to be doctorate fella. We often talk about how science can explain most of life... only most of it... the rest is still chaos..
well my theory is life (not the metaphorical connotation) - all encompassing, is a chaos in itself and all the surrounding elements are too.. its just that for simplicity and understanding we make some assumptions and eliminate some chaos assuming them to be constant over time... but ironically, the only constant is change... hope that makes sense... :)
believe me dude, I was sitting along with 3 physisist's for dinner n more ... and man I love such time spent ... frolick times apart talks like this happen like magic between few ONLY :) ... always enlightening ... regardless of the stature of the other
well our perpectives are slightly different dude ... I only see that which we do not understand as chaos ... coz we can't comprehend it ... an excuse if you will ... the whole universe is very precisely defined
if u'd agree with that which we do not understand is chaos ... then yes "rest is chaos"
n I wudn't totally agree with the statement that we eliminate chaos ... I see it as reducing what we perceive as chaos into a form more recognizable with some approximations (patterns that are within our perception) ... simply given to our incapability to subsume all the parameters directing it all
just to add to the constancy proposal of your's ... it might be more precise to say that the deviation of chaos from that projected is assumed constant ... which is an untoward assumption leading to incongruity of the laws
:) ... makes sense?
:-O to the discussion
but the topic on deterministic chaos was cool ;)
u saying a :-O for such discussions ... my 8-) to that ... ha ha
the science is not just cool, it is facinating :)
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